Wednesday, June 10, 2020

How I started hating tomatos

     It started a couple of years ago. I don't know what happened, what influenced me at the time but one day I just didn't feel like eating tomatos. The other day as well, and so on. At some point I just decided that I hate them and that was it.
     It had been months since I started hating tomatos and the doubt came along side my family's "You ate tomatos just yesterday!". No aunty, I ate tomatos just six months ago!
     It just so happened that all my doubts were erased that same night.
     I was doing something on my phone and my sister gave me a cucember to eat. But there was this little piece of tomato on the fork as well. I didn't see it.
     The moment I ate it I made a face that I could only guess was the most ridiculous one I can pull off. My sister started laughing and saying "I'm sorry" and I could only wonder "What did I just eat?!"
     I was sure I hate tomatos after that night.

     This is how I started hating tomatos and all I have for this post. Untill next time hammer-on and Jam along!