Monday, April 27, 2020

How I tried to quit writing

Obviously the ettempt to quit writing was a failure but it's a story I would like to tell you.

          If I'm not wrong it was after my first anniversary. And it didn't happen intentionally. Just one day I've had stopped writing and went on my life without even noticing. I guess it was an instinct of my brain to limit the stress. I can't just stop going to school and when I've forgotten just one day to keep up my writing streak it saw a perfect opportunity.
          At this time I thought that I have life figured out, that I know where happiness is hiding but no. It wasn't like that at all. I was keeping a lot of stress in, one that I wasn't really aware existed. And to keep up with everyday writing with the crazy numbers I was aiming for then was too much. I'm not a person who knows when to take a step back and because of that I have problems returning to the crazy word count goals to this day.
          At this point I probably haven't written a word for a month. What I'm guessing happened after this month is my stress levels have decreased. I remember vividly how a lot of ideas just washed me away. In the span of one week I had at least one note for every problem a writer could face. Plot holes, sub-plots, plot twists, love drama, regular drama, just everything. It was like an ocean of inspiration washing me away. I had to write it all and I did. Whenever something poped I was ready to open my phone and write it in notes. After a while I realized writing was missing from my life for a while and looking back this normal doesn't feel right.
          After you find your thing, your art, it doesn't really matter what it is, life just changes. Just take a moment to go back in time when you didn't have this passion of yours. It doesn't look right, does it? You start to feel pity for the people who don't have this spark in their life and just live I guess?
          The best about having a passion is that you will always return to it. Either it gets back to you or you search for it. And you always return with more motivation and ideas. Hold tight to your thing but know that letting it go doesn't mean you'll never see it again. You need to take a step back sometimes in order to progress later.

          This story is one of the reasons I call myself a Writer phoenix. The other is that my first serious nickname was The_bone_Phoenix. Guess it was meant to be?


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