Friday, October 30, 2020

The magnifying glass

If you follow my instagram activity you'll know what I'm talking about.

Recently I mentioned that it was gifted to me with a joke and today I'm going to tell you what it is.

Before I started wearing glasses (I have astigmatism, low percent) I always kept the phone close to my eyes. My grandpa started joking that he was gonna get me a magnifying glass so that I don't look at the screen this close. To make it even better my writing is really tiny. So the magnifying glass would be needed for two things.

I really took it only as a joke but I guess he sensed that and took it as a personal challenge to make it real. 

Next week when I come for the weekend he hands me that magnifying glass.

Since that moment it has taken some damage on the glass and the base, but it's still usable and in one piece.

This has become a bitter sweet memory with a pain on the heart.

No hammer-on this time, stay safe and get at least two opinions on your health.

Thursday, October 22, 2020


I started university and have a shit load of assingments to do so let me procrastinate with this post XD.

Today I will introduce you to my wips. In other words tell you how many drafts I have started and get emberassed about it later. 

Here we go!

1. Newfound Myght 
Status: Not started
-Of course, starting with the main wip. 
Newfound Myght (English edition) is the first book in "The first mages" series. If you follow my blog you know how much this book and the characters in it mean to me.
Here I introduce you to Sarah and her friends. Their journey of reconnecting begins. And while they try to clean the rust off of their friendship they also try to understand a deadly illness that is killing mages. This illness is caused by mages they call "Spell thiefs". They don’t know who these mages are, and they also don't know how to save the ones who are slowly dying. All of this while fighting off demons, who're trying to gain access to the magic portal. 

2. New era 
Status: Draft
-New era is the second book in "The first mages" series. While the first book was about reconnecting with old friends and resolving their problem this book is about finding this friends and fighting a war of magic. While they were trying to solve one problem another was hiding in the shadows and broke them apart. Now the few that are left have to rebuild what was broken and prepare for the big fight which will give the mages power over the demons. Or maybe the demons will take over and enslave all that walks, breaths, and talks.

3. Tales of broken kids
Status: Draft
-Tales of broken kids tells us stories about The first mages. Sarah's years undercover, how Bary got to Mandoned, and how the Heil brothers got to where they are. This book might be perfectly useless but I do have fun telling stories that otherwise would've been only a side info. 

4. The healer, the hunter, and the mesmerist
Status: Draft
-Book one in "Lost magic". The magic, the world around it, and the people affected by it had been gone for so long that the stories about them are just legends almost forgotton in the modern world. There are a few that know the stories. And they're all part of the magic. Recently it's making it's way back into the world. The creatures are being born again, brought back to life by this old era. And the responsibility to find balance with the new changes falls on the shoulders of three strangers. Their problem? They have hard time becoming friends with each other. 

5. Pray with E
Status: Draft
-A standalone (hopefully) where the predator (the Devil himself) plays with his prey for the first time. His favourite victim slowly becomes the person who knows the most about him and the only one he's comfortable with sharing what his life before becoming the Devil was like.
While he slowly accepts that he will never be able to kill Prey her hope for life slowly fades away.

6. Raffael and the red wolf
Status: Draft
-As the title says this is a book about Raffael and his red wolf. If he had a choice he would've had a dog. But he broke a law. Him and Wolf both used forbidden magic, which leaves a permanent mark. To escape a death sentense Raffael takes the wolf and runs away.

Now what did we find out? That I have a problem XD.
How many wips do you have? And what are they about?

Till next time Hammer-on and Jam along!