Friday, October 30, 2020

The magnifying glass

If you follow my instagram activity you'll know what I'm talking about.

Recently I mentioned that it was gifted to me with a joke and today I'm going to tell you what it is.

Before I started wearing glasses (I have astigmatism, low percent) I always kept the phone close to my eyes. My grandpa started joking that he was gonna get me a magnifying glass so that I don't look at the screen this close. To make it even better my writing is really tiny. So the magnifying glass would be needed for two things.

I really took it only as a joke but I guess he sensed that and took it as a personal challenge to make it real. 

Next week when I come for the weekend he hands me that magnifying glass.

Since that moment it has taken some damage on the glass and the base, but it's still usable and in one piece.

This has become a bitter sweet memory with a pain on the heart.

No hammer-on this time, stay safe and get at least two opinions on your health.


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