Sunday, November 1, 2020

My November goal (+list)

I will not be joining NaNoWriMo. So sad, I know. But I still want to progress in a way.

So I collected a list of things to work on doing November. Now most of those I wrote with my WIP in mind so they might be a little too spesicif.

They are not ment to be followed day by day. There are 34 points and there's no month with that much days.

If you want to join me do which ever point you feel like. If you feel like you need more work on a spesific point you can do it as many times as you like.

1. What are you excited to write in the story?
2. Which character do you like writing? Why do you think is that?
3. Which character do you dislike writing? Why?
4. Add something to make them more enjoyable.
5. Brainstorm plot points.
6. Polish characters.
7. Relationship net.
8. Connect plot points and ideas.
9. Come up with different ending. See which one makes more sense.
10. Scetch the dull characters.
11. Scetch whatever connected to the story.
12. Write a post only for that wip.
13. Talk with someone about it.
14. Write a letter to yourself about the wip as if you were explaning it to a stranger.
15. Write a cute scenario with the characters.
16. Them losing someone they love (no matter what the love is)
17. Casual scenario.
18. Late night hang-out.
19. How they express love.
20. Their fighting style.
21. Short summery of the scene you're stuck on.
22. Now either write it or make it interesting to write.
23. Explane how they get along with the other characters.
24. Their story of how they met if it's not explaned in the story already.
25. Their roles.
26. What will go wrong?
27. Who is the strongest character and why? Write an example for both physical and mental strenght.
28. Now what are their weak traits.
29. Who is the weakest character and why? Again write examples for physical and mental strenght.
30. What are their strong traits.
31. Who is the most disliked by the others?
32. Their arc in the story.
33. Who's most liked by the others.
34. Their arc.

That's for now. I'm gonna update you on how I've been doing soon.

Till next time hammer-on and Jam along!


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