Friday, November 20, 2020

My crazy plan

If you know me for a while you will know that every now and then I'll come up with a crazy idea... That I eventually will give up on.

Today I'm gonna talk about the new insane thing that came to my mind.

Since I'm drowning in uni assingmnets but want to show off my insanity here's what I'm gonna do.

Speedrun uni work for 6 days and then speedrun NaNo for 7.

What ya think?

In all seriousnes I'm going to try this 😂 I've pulled off crazy shit before, why not do it now too?

For this to happen I will go on a semi-log off. I usually try to interact with people I like but for this to happen I will not do that till the end of November.

I did not suddenly stop liking you, I'm just stupid. I will still reply and upload but won't seek the connection.

If you ever text me during November note that I will try and use you as a procrastination tool 😂

And this probably will continue after NaNo. I want to change my habits and become more productive. I scroll pointlessly too much. And I don't like that.

It’s been on my mind for a while. It's just that I got inspired to really do it now.

So yeah. Productive Saline on the horizon!

I'm also lowkey freaking out for my December session. We're learning shit, I don't know how I'm gonna pull this off.

I might do a post with my goals just for the sake of posting something.



  1. Consider me a tool for procrastination, in your tool belt at all times 🤣 But also YOU CAN DO IT
