Wednesday, December 9, 2020

How I got my pen name

Writing this exclusivly because I got asked about it on instagram.
If you were wondering about it you can thank Bethany Meyer (a.k.a Scribbledfiction) for that. 

Saline Necrowood Stone is a pen name. If you thought it's my real name I'd be flattered.

I got Saline from a name generator. It connected it with water in some way. I don't remember. I just like the name. It gives me fantasy vibes. 

I do love horror but there's something about the fantasy genre that makes me feel free. It's the opportunity to creat anything and everything and still be right about it in your own world. You can't say I'm wrong it's my own rules. 

I made a short research though. Turns out Saline is more common as last name.

Now Necrowood connects to my slasher side. It gives me spooky vibes. I have no idea what it means. I saw it, my brain went "ooooh spoooooky" so I put it there in the mix as well. 

And Stone? It just flows nicely. 

I really didn't put that much thought into it as you can see. I didn't want to put too much into. 

I think I've been with this name for two years now and it's growing on me nicely. 

It feels like home when I think about it. At this point I believe that if you shout Saline I'll turn around even though no one has ever referred to me like that in person.

This is the story behind my nickname. And since I mentioned it I'll have to talk about my horror addiction soon.

Thank you for sticking till the end. I do apriciate it. 


    I've always wondered where the name came from and now I know 😂

  2. Oh i will tell you all about when i see you again
