Saturday, December 26, 2020

Let's talk about the bro/sis conflict

As of today a stranger on the Internet thinks they can argue with me.

There was a post with the most cliche quotes and the person mention that siblings calling each other bro/sis is unrealistic and cringe.

For most it is but not for everyone. And I said that in the comments. Usually siblings come and even though they don't agree they understand that there is no right way to be siblings. 

But today was different.

This person's argument was that neighter they nor anyone around them who have siblings do that. 

And so I explaned that me and my sister do. Just the translation of what we use is incorrect. Because there's no such word in English. 

This person was like: "But we're talking bout English so you proved the point". 

Feel the facepalm please. 

Honey, just because in our language it's different doesn't eliminate what I said.

What me and my sister are saying to each other is variation of sister. We have words for older and younger sister. And if you translate our conversations to English we are still calling each other "sister".

Use that head on your shoulders to think. You can not tell me, a sibling who is calling their sibling with variation of sister that still means sister, that she is wrong.

I stopped it there. The person kept on going and even said that they never said it's wrong. But again "we're talking about English you proved the point". 

For me there's no point on going with the conversation after this. If you have anything to add I'm completely fine with this but don't say that siblings don't do that. 

Again, there's no ultimate way to be a sibling.

I'm not saying it's common. I'm not saying you should use it all the damn time.

I just want you to understand that "no siblings do that" is wrong. And if your characters do it, that's fine. 

My advice is write based on your experiance. And if you don't have that experiance ask someone that does. Go on forums and ask people with that experiance. Don't build your characters over one person's opinion. 

I don't wanna go too deep on this topic. 

I've experianced a lot of different sibling relationships with my family so I may write a post on that.

Bby bbies