Saturday, December 19, 2020

Me as a reader

I just finish Falling for Rachel, had a cup of water and a thought.

Before I give you a review I thought that I should explane my connection with reading as a whole.

After I was thought to read I really enjoyed it. I loved it and I read a lot. I even made my parents stop the car on vacation because I saw a book about wolves. Long story short they got me the book and I made myself sick by reading it in the car. 

After this happy childhood moments the presure begin. You know how everyone always tell you that you have to read? Get good grades? Yeah, that's what took the joy away.

I stopped reading.

I was a child who already liked reading. Why was it needed to tell me that it's important? Honestly that pisses me off. And I can see history repeat itself with my cousin. She loves reading and I can feel this being ruined for her by the same person who ruined it for me. 

I was not enjoying books for years. I didn't want to read. I honestly didn't.

I went trough most of school reading only what was needed for me to learn and go forward in the system. 

What came next? I was introduced to Wattpad. I started writing. It was match made in heaven. Finally enjoying something again. 

It didn't last for too long though. I was going through articles and can you guess what they all said? You should be reading if you want to call yourself a writer. This makes me sick, I can't stress this enough.

It’s toxic at this point. 

I started hating it at this point because everyone repeated the same thing. It's important. You need to read, you need to study, you need good grades.

Here ypu have it, I have hard time sitting to write.

I'm not saying the community is bad. It just repeats itself to a point where it gets annoying and the exact opposite of helpful.

And maybe I am at fault for ever going that deep. Maybe I shouldn't have read so many articles. I probably would've finished with The first mages now.

The turning post came when Bethany Meyer asked for beta readers. You should know her very well. I've mentioned her in so many posts. 

I was wondering if I should volunteer or not and if Bethany hadn't tagged me I honestly would've missed out on so much. 

Accident or not it was the little push I needed.

I read Robbin Centaurs and other bad ideas in the last days of my deadline. I sprinted through the book from both the presure and the engagement in the story. 

Not only is it a great book but it send me back to my childhood. To that fun times where I was reading about the wolves and imagining having a little baby wolf as a pet. And I repeat. Fun times. Tell this to kids. How fun it is to get a book and basicly teleport in someone else's world. Learn something new. 

I will admit I didn't read a ton of books after that but I now have one more book behind my back. And I plan on readkng a lot more cause damn was that fun. 

Read because you want to and because you enjoy it. 

See you in the Falling for Rachel review. Spoiler free <3

Tell me what's your story with reading?


  1. Ajfjfiskfksjj I was not expecting this. But I'm so glad that I was a small part of the journey. ❤️ It was truly serendipitous that Twitter accidentally tagged you in that post

    1. If I were to ever believe that it was fate's call and nothing else it'd be that time 😂 But I'm very thankful. As much as I didn't want to writing and reading are helping me right now. I didn't want to do them while under stress but they kinda pull me in by themselves
