Friday, November 6, 2020

Talking about my coffee addiction

If you're one of the few people that view my story you know that I drink a lot of coffee. And today I'm going to tell you about how I got here.

It all started when I was a little menace, standing there menacingly. My grandma was watching over me that one time, left her coffee on the sink and made the mistake of leaving me alone in the room. And what did Sal do? Oh, let me tell ya. She grabbed a chair, grabbed that thing and dragged it on the floor creating a high pitched sound of true terror that could make your ears bleed. Then climbed up to sink level and took the cup in her hands. And then? Saline downed the whole thing in one go. Yup.
Then she returned everything to its original place and continued with her things as if there wasn't a dose of caffeine energizing her entire living.
Grandma came back, noticed her drink is gone and knew exactly what happened. It is not that hard to put two and two together. In this case a kid that has a hard time staying still and an empty cup of coffee that was full ten minutes ago. 

This is the start of the journey. 

I've been told by my mother that I used to go around the table and try everyone's coffee. I don't remember this clearly but I do recall something like that.

And just to be clear. I didn't start drinking coffee from a young age. Those were the two single things that had happened.

I actually started drinking coffee at 15. Me and my mom were making each other nescafe. This is what I liked for a solid year and I was not functioning on four cups a day. I was drinking coffee every other week. Which is the reasonable way of consuming coffee. But erm... I'm not really the sane kind of person.

One day I just upgraded to clear dark coffee and since then I've been sinking deeper and deeper. Titanic met an iceberg.

And still. No four cups daily. Surprisingly I was still reasonable and drank coffee only on the weekends when I was visiting my grandma. (not the one that left me alone with a cup of coffee on the sink)

This became a thing after I started university this October. 

Now I feel the need to say this. I am not really addicted. I drink coffee when I feel like it. It's not a love-hate relationship. Some may be surprised but I like the taste of coffee. Biter is kinda my thing.

Recently I've been drinking so much coffee because I want to. Not because I feel the need to. There's a fine line between addiction and normal want that I believe I still haven't crossed.

So tell me, what is your addiction?

Till next time hammer-on and jsm along!


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