Sunday, March 28, 2021

Train traveling shenanigans

If you follow my instagram you know I will be writing a series of train traveling and what might help you when writing one.

But I want to set the mood for it first.

A few years ago I was traveling every weekend. Take a train immediately after school every Friday and the last train on Sunday. 

We moved in the city where my school was so in order to meet with friends I had to travel back to town. 

I'm not complaning though. I love the little city. I grew up there.

From time to time me and my best friend will be traveling together. Nothing unusual about this. 

But. Three stops before ours the train literally stoped. I don't know what'd happened but it wasn't going to move until an emergency team had come to fix it. And we were stuck on the station. Three stops is a lot of time to be walking. 

Me and my best friend were sitting with this adult man. And you will not guess what we started talking about to kill time. 

Wounds, of all things. We discussed everything you could think of. Seriousness, what hurts more, what injures more, types of bleeding. We basicly practiced a biology presentation.

We forgot there was someone sitting with us and then we turned. If there is a "Oh shit" face we defenetly had it. 

And the man was visibly uncomfortable! He probably went home and rambled about what happened to his wife.

We would've been there probably more than an hour, sitting awkwardly but the earlier train returned to drag us from the small station. 

To my knoledge they fixed the problem in our city since it's the closest with more than two rail options. 

But I will never forget this, it's too precious! 

Feel free to tell me your stories! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh 🤣🤣🤣 That poor man but at the same time that sounds like an awesome conversation so he should have just participated in the talk
