Monday, May 11, 2020

5 Tips to add diversity in your writing routine

          I have a hard time keeping my focus for long and being a fantasy writer that means it will take me ages to finish a story. However there is a way around this.

          1. Short stories.

        I can't recommend them enough. Short stories are great for getting to know your characters better and much more. In this case they are the perfect variety tool. You most likely have scenes in your head that will be really cool but probably won't make it to the final draft. And that brings me to the next point.

          2. Write the scenes you dream of.

        Open a new folder and name it "Scenes and short stories that probably won't make it to the final draft" or whatever you come up with. It can even be "Folder of doom". The idea is to open this folder and blur out everything that you've been anticipating for. All those scenes that always come up when you sit down to write. Usually those scenes are followed by the thought "But they probably won't be relevant to the plot". It's your lucky day cause they are relevant to your Doom folder. Plus if you ever need them they will be a few tabs away.

          3. Make use of different locations and timelines.

        Of course, that is if your story allows it. In Tails of broken kids I have three different places to talk about with two different timelines happening. I practically have three different stories going on in one world. I started this book for the sake of writing in English and so far it's been great having it around. The series it's part of I will gush over in another post.

          4. Start another book.

        I know a lot of you will frown at this tip. I understand your worries and it's totally fine if you don't like this tip.
        The idea behind it is to take one of those ideas that are always in the back of your head and distracting you and give it space to breathe and expand. It doesn't have to be good, it doesn't have to follow a plot, and it doesn't have to make sense. You are writing it to remind yourself that writing is a wonder on its own. And this tip won't really work if you apply it with the mindset of getting more done. And of course, it won't work if you start 15 different stories. All you need is just one.

          5. Start a blog for just whatever.

        You might be getting tired of writing stories all the time. Give your brain the break it needs from imagining. You may start a lifestyle blog and tell people stories from your life, or cooking blog etc. It doesn't matter what it is about so long you enjoy doing it.

          That's it from me for this post. Till next time hammer-on and jam along.


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