Monday, May 25, 2020

If you feel presured by the community this will help!

          I really want to talk about this cause I don't think it's been said enough.
We all go around and read blog posts when we wanna kill some time and feel productive. We read tips, we flap through some more posts and we find ourselves reading the same tips. It's ok, some tips repeat because they work and are helpful.
        It's not always the case.
        I am not a plotter and I'm sure people like me will relate when I say that either annoys you or depresses you when you read this: "You have to have your book planned before writing it!".
        You shouldn't follow this advice to do your writing right! I'll even format it as a quote just to be more clear.
You shouldn't follow advices to do your writing right!
          It is an advice for a reason. Advice or tip it doesn't matter, you can either follow it or go about your day without it. Those are the two paths! And because I am me I am experimenting and finding another way. Don't do that if you get frustrated easily.

        I can joke around all day but this won't change my point. Your way is valid no matter what it is. If it works for you it's right. Everything else is someone else's experience. Have your experience with an advice and if it doesn't work for you it's ok.
        A lot of people talk like their way its the only truth under the sun and for them it is. They go on to talk about why it works and you're just like "Yeah, sounds about right". And then when it doesn't work for you you think you did it all wrong.
        You didn't. This way is just not for you. Find your way and tell people about it. Skip everything that doesn't sound right for you.

        A bit short this Monday but I really wanted to share this because I need to hear it myself. Telling it to others is just easier.

          So this is all from me for this post. I hope it helped you if you needed to read it and until next time hammer-on and jam along!


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