Monday, August 31, 2020

I made some changes...

Sooo... I made some changes.

I will no longer post tips, or maybe just not focuse on this niche of the blogging community. Bethany Meyer explaned it better than I ever will so go check her post on the topic.

Long story short I don't think I know enough to give tips and it's overwhelming.

But, I will continue postin my opinion, real life stories, and short stories. These are much more fun to write and I will no longer be ashamed that I have more of them than I have tips drafted in posts.

Another thing I'm considering. I don't read writing tips on daily bases but I do my research from time to time. I can either assemble a post from what I've learned or tell you a story about how I got in the research hole, give links to good articles and hopefully make you laugh along the way.

Also reading and writing logs! Either monthly or when I am like "Damn, it's been a while. Better rant about what I read/wrote."

I've also tweeted a lot of funny/meme-ish scenarios about my WIP? Meme posts? Am I too cheeky? HahahaAhahAHaHAHAHA I HOPE NOT!

I have a blog post in mind. Basicly ranting about what I did as an amature and why I'll avoid genuenly good tips to get back in this energized amature state.

Anyways, thank you for making it this far, I hope you like the changes I make and stick around for the new era of this blog.
Till next time hammer-on and jam along!


  1. Do it! I always love your story posts, and I'm always here for memes, which I'm sure NOBODY had already guessed XD

    1. Thank you so much! And yeah, this is new to everyone for sure.
