Friday, August 21, 2020

Why I don't write with pen and paper

          The short answer is because it's simply not for me.
     The long answer has a story.

          Ones upon a time I was a writer happy writing on her phone.
     And ones upon a time my sister was like "Hey, why don't you write on paper? It's easier for me, you also won't damage your eyes as much."
     So I dug up that old notebook I thought would fit the job. I wrote six chapters there. SIX CHAPTERS. It was all fun and all until I had to write all of that in digital format. Let me tell ya, I was exhausted after this. After only one chapter. Don't ask me how I handled the other ones.

          Anyways. It's been years since this happened. I now have that same notebook infront of me. I will write short stories in it. Everything that won't be a chapter and is just a practice will be written in this notebook.

          If it's not for you, if you don't feel it will work. Don't force it. Do what feels right to you. 
     If you like the idea and wanna try it go for it. 

          Alright amazing creatures. Till next time Hammer-on and jam along.


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